Monday, October 16, 2006

The Breast Biews Blog: Breast Blogger

After attending BlogHer 2006 in San Juan California, I beetled down the coast to San Luis Obispo to meet my meno-gal blogger pal Ellie.

I stumbled upon this exceptional woman's blog in the early days of my blogging career when I was at the beginnings of mapping my own menopause experience . T'was love at first read.

As I suspected, hanging out in SLO proved to be very easy. Despite my short visit, I came home with a nice dusting of Ellie vibe and spirit.

Rather than try and explain what it is about Ellie that captures my attention so firmly, I urge you to check out her current post about her discovery of breast feeding. If her account moves you in any way, go one step farther and blog her link. Breast health requires that we as a society make every effort to educate each other about normalized breast function. Otherwise, breasts will only be used as a marketing tool or to titillate.

Sue Richards

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