Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Young Women Who Smoke

Does your young daughter smoke? Do you wish she didn't?

Perhaps you'd like to direct her to the following release from the Mayo Clinic.
Mayo Clinic - Young Women Who Smoke Prior to Their First Pregnancy Have a Higher Risk of Breast Cancer in Their Later Years

Sue Richards

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Cause Girls Got Game

Feeling gamey?

As in 'playing a game"?

Here's a nifty contest that may lead to winning the new Canadian board game that celebrates women’s lives – EVE's Quest!

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: Women's Topfreedom

TERA; Topfree Equal Rights Association is a long time sponsor of the Breast of Canada Calendar.

Dr. Paul Rapoport is one of the spokespersons of TERA and a loyal champion of my work. The following article was published in the Hamilton Spectator takes a direct look at our unhealthy relationship with nakedness and how that plays out in our role as parents.

Burn This Page.

Sue Richards

Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Do You Blog about Your Health

Are you a woman?

Do you blog?

Is your blog about your health?

The Canadian Women's Health Network has asked me to write a story for their spring edition of Network Magazine. The topic: women's health blogs. My approach: light yet informed.

Rather than blither on about how wildly good blogging about my health issues has been for me, I would like to include a splattering of the broader (pun intended) world of women blogging about their health.

I can't promise live links to your blogs. But I can provide a map and introduce a readership to the blogosphere.

Interested in sharing your story? Please comment on this post. And do forward this to anyone you think might be interested.

Sue Richards

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Skin Deep Xmas

Before you go gift buying at the cosmetic counter or bath and beauty supply store, take a poke around this site.

Skin Deep

Simply type in the brand of the product you're thinking of gifting, or surf through the list of bath products, glitter, cologne or perfumes and see how safe/toxic these popular items are.

Take note: According to Environmental Working Group, "No premarket safety testing required — this is a reality of both the personal care product industry and the broader chemical industry as a whole.".

Sue Richards

PS I'd buy a Breast of Canada Calendar instead.

Monday, November 21, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: A guide for people with advanced breast cancer

This booklet was developed by a national group of persons with breast cancer experience, cancer navigators, provincial networks and the Canadian Breast Cancer Network.

CBCN - New guide available: Navigating Your Path, A guide for people with advanced breast cancer

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: Familial and hereditary breast cancer: genes and genetics

Women are generally surprised to find out that around 5% of all breast cancer is genetic.

Five. Percent.

CBCN - Familial and hereditary breast cancer: genes and genetics

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: Abortion and breast cancer

Driving out of town the other day, I found myself staring at a huge billboard claiming that breast cancer risk increases if you have an abortion.

Charming bit of marketing.

So here's the Canadian Cancer Society's concise response.

Abortion and breast cancer

Sue Richards

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: RemedyFind

I have done a preliminary look see at this site and like the intention.

RemedyFind lists a pretty comprehensive health condition treatment list with patient ratings information. Nothing specific to breasts though. Still seems like a valuable way for folks to find out what other folks are doing.

Sue Richards

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: EPA: Where You Live in USA

This is me being curious and a keener.

United States Environmental Protection Agency
I checked out this site today. As I wandered around I found a page titled" EPA: Where You Live.

If you scroll down the page, you'll find a US map divided up in sections. Click on a section and see what's being protected, monitored or not.

Sue Richards

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Get Herizons

Gift Idea

Excellent Canadian Magazine
Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: Body Image

Body casts can change your perspective of yourself and women's bodies in general to a more positive viewpoint. I have three casts sitting around in my home.

This body cast story ran in the most recent Herizons Magazine.

Casting Call: Art Transforms Body and Soul

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: SHAMELESS MAGAZINE : For Girls Who Get It

As a girl, there were no magazines for me. I depended on Betty and Veronica comics.


Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: National Women's Health Network

Information on breast cancer research brought to you by NWHN. Support the Breast Cancer and Environmental Research Act

Sue Richards

For a comic break, literally, please check My Menopause Blog.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Canadians a toxic lot

Here's a whacky idea. Let's get all the CEO's and world leaders to have their toxicity levels checked. This might finally bring home the message that we are poisoning ourselves and they, the powers that be, might start leading us in a healthier direction.

The Globe and Mail: Canadians a toxic lot: study

Sue Richards

Monday, November 07, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Scientists seek environmental causes of breast cancer

According to this story, "only 10 percent of the 80,000-some chemicals on the marketplace have even been tested for health effects on humans."


Scientists seek environmental causes of breast cancer

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: The Savaged Breast

This story is from the Daily Grist, bring you 'top environmental news from around the globe'.

The Savaged Breast

Not good news.

Sue Richards

Friday, November 04, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: Select All-Natural, Organic, Additive Free Food

Over the last 5 year's, thanks to the increased amount of breast health information I've gathered, I've made the switch to organic fruits, vegetables, dairy, tea, coffee and meat. I simply can't eat food that is known to be hazardess to my health.

For more info on organic food, check out Eat Well to Be Well.Link

Sue Richards

The Breast Views Blog: About INFACT Canada

It is estimated that over 1.5 million children die annually and many millions are malnourished because they were not breastfed.

Find out more at INFACT Canada

Sue Richards

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Breast Views Blog: The Guelph International Film Festival

This year's film festival is themed "Through Women's Eyes". Because of my work with the Breast of Canada Calendar, I've been invited to host one of the films.

Naked, directed by Canadian Mary Bissell explores the use of nudity as a protest tool. Various calendars, bike rides, even an effort called 'striptease for trees' are presented to the viewer in documentary format.

My job as local nudity introduce the film and guide the Q and A. Fully dresses I might add.

2005 Program & Schedule - The Guelph International Film Festival

Sue Richards

Other Links and Blogs of mine that may be of interest to you and yours. Yah just never know.

Breast of Canada Calendar
Calendar Girl Blog
My Menopause Blog

The Breast Views Blog: World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR)

Last night, I screened the Canadian documentary Naked. All part of my job as the films host for the Guelph International Film Festival this weekend.

A good amount of footage was dedicated to theWorld Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) .

The website lists WNBR locations around the world plus how to start one in your town, should you be interested.

Sue Richards

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