Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Carnival of Feminists

It can safely be said that I love a carnival. Not the rides. They tend to make me puke. Instead I like the diversity that fits under the heading of Carnival and the clear divisions of what does not.

Carnivals on the Blogosphere are very similar to the flesh and blood experience. Usually titled under a specific heading, a Carnival features blog postings from a range of bloggers who identify in some way with the theme.

I'm pleased to be included in this weeks Carnival of Feminists with My Menopause Blog post: Eggs. As an egg producer of the reproductive variety my post explains how I preferred my monthly eggs to be; 'unhatched or scrambled'.

You'll have to scroll down a ways to find me. But there's plenty of stuff to read on the way. Mind the Gap!.

Sue Richards

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