Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Breast Watch

I feel like I hit the jackpot with this site. Breast Watch, a girls guide to breasts and breast cancer offers answers to questions that girls really do wonder about. Direct your daughters to this site if they've ever asked:
  • How do boobs develop in a young girl?
  • How long does it usually take for your boobs to fully develop?
  • Why do teens worry so much about their boobs and body image?
  • Why are guys such jerks about boobs and what do they really think about a the size of a girl's boobs?
  • My boobs are small - is there any way I can make them bigger or grow faster without surgery?
  • Do I need to wear a bra?
  • Is there any health reason against going braless?
  • But what about bras and breast cancer?
  • Does wearing a bra increase your risk of getting breast cancer?
  • Can teens get breast cancer?
  • Should I be examining my boobs for lumps?
Sue Richards


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