Monday, February 06, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: My Menopause Blog

My Menopause Blog has had a face lift. Formerly speckled with mauve and taupe spots, now My Menopause is festooned with exotic red flowers that appear fragrant, full and flouncy.

There are enhancements too. Categories adorn the left hand column. You want hot flash info, just click on Hot Flash and find all the posts to date.

On the left hand side is my bread and hopefully butter. Yes they are ads. If I was going to continue down this blogging path, it simply had to be done.

So please have a visit. Add me to your blog roll. Share the link with your menopausal friends, wife or mother. And even if you're not interested in menopause, tell me what you think of the new skin.

Sue Richards

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