Friday, April 28, 2006

The Breasy Views Blog: Diet and Breast Cancer

This just flew into my In-Box.

Nutrition and Breast Cancer: Is there a clear message?

CBCN is offering a nutrition workshop facilitated by Beth Szucks, a clinical dietitian at the Breast Health Centre at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority. Beth was involved in developing the practice guidelines for the treatment of breast pain at the Breast Health Centre, does individual and group education regarding diet and breast health/breast cancer, contributes articles to several breast cancer newsletters in Manitoba and speaks at conferences and workshops for the general public and health care professionals.

We will be discussing the ongoing research about nutrition and breast cancer and what advice we can give about diet and breast cancer. A review of the ongoing and current research regarding primary and secondary risk reduction will be provided. The presentation will also include information about physical activity, weight gain during cancer treatment, bone health after breast cancer and the use of complementary and alternative medicine.

The workshop is free of charge and can be accessed by teleconference or webcast.

Webcast Access

If you would like to access the workshop by the webcast just click on the link at 7:00pm EST on May 1st

Teleconference Access

If you would like to access the workshop by teleconference, please follow the instructions below:

To begin an audio conference:
1. At the agreed upon meeting date and time, Participants dial the toll free: 1.866.219.7782
2. All participants are to enter the Access Code 10936 followed by the # sign.

And join us – either on your own or with a group!

NOTE: a French nutrition workshop is being offered on May 2nd. The Canadian Breast Cancer Network-CBCN

Sue Richards

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Thursday, April 27, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Raloxifene for Breast Cancer Prevention

The postmenopausal women considered to be at higher risk for developing breast cancer will be interested in the results of this study.

Analysis by the National Women's Health Network | A Voice For Women, A Network For Change.

Sue Richards

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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Breast View Blog: Health News Review

This could be a handy tool for those of you confused by the media's health news reports. Health News Review "is an attempt to help improve the accuracy, balance and completeness of news stories that make claims about new ideas in health care."

What a stellar idea.

Sue Richards

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Carnival of Feminists XIII

One of my menopause posts was included in the latest Carnival of Feminists XIII. Indeed there's plenty of fiesty writing here to sink your pearly whites into so do enjoy. Leave comments. Get inspired even.

Sue Richards

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Friday, April 21, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Blog Skin Exfoliation

Dear Breast View Readers,

I've been messing around with my template, trying on a few new ad sizes and styles, moving my side bar around a tad and generally hoping that the changes on this blog will translate into a wee bit of revenue. You're feedback on my effort is welcome. However I will ask that you be kind yet constructive in your comments. Moving code around in my template gives me the creeps. My confidence is shallow.

For a while, Google read this site incorrectly. Instead of understanding the main subject being women's health with a focus on breast health and breast cancer prevention, Google's spider thought perhaps I was a porn blog. Hence the public service interesting approach to the issue, kind of obtuse yet fairly effective just the same. Hopefully, with the changes I've made, Mr. Spider will get the women's health angel and put nice women's health ads that link to good sites that offer you excellent information and products.

So, on that note, I will be off. Before I go, I'll mention one more time, for Spiderperson's benefit, that The Breast Views Blog is about women's health, breast cancer prevention and breast health. Now go be a smart spider.

Sue Richards

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Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Weltschmerz

My neighbour, fellow blogger and graphic genius behind the Breast of Canada calendar offers a biting bit of satire about Pamela Anderson's bulging breasts in his weekly strip Weltschmerz.

Leave him a comment. Tell him I sent you.

Sue Richards

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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: The Boob Files

It must be the fact that I'm wearing shorts for the first time in 2006....sun streaming in my window....feet bare....laziness is washing over me.

I Googled boob stories for an easy out of today's post. First up, the boob files, stories from

The site is crammed with attitude so don't limit yourself to this page. Unless you're feeling lazy like me....then bookmark it for future reading.

Sue Richards

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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Breast Stories

Chris, a frequent commenter on my blogs and the author of Breast Stories, is working out a way to communicate his appreciation for female breasts by comparing his feelings to other things. His last two posts have roamed into deeper waters.

It's tricky territory for a man to negotiate. I applaud Chris's courage and honest approach.

Sue Richards

PS. As if blogging 3-4 posts per day isn't enough wordsmithing for one person, a story of mine appears today in Canada's national newspaper, the Globe and Mail. Although not about my life as publisher of the Breast of Canada Calendar, the Joy of Menopause or the beauty of my fair city Guelph, I do go on about my slip slide into the blogosphere.

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Monday, April 17, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: CBCN Online Auction

The Canadian Breast Cancer Network is trying their hand at some on-line fundraising starting this June. Find out more about their first ever Online Auction and how you can participate.

Sue Richards

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Women's Health

I've mentioned the Centres of Excellence for Women before but am no stranger to repeating myself. The above link takes you to a concise, national list of all the Canadian centres.

Sue Richards

PS: Happy Good Thursday.

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Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Lessons from the Military

Leading from the Front by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch, two ex-Marines, was reviewed in today's Globe.

The two women authors reviewed their military experience, distilling ten lessons into a book, designed to help women lead. Three stood out for me.
  1. Don't cry over something that won't cry over you.
  2. Say you're sorry only when it's your fault.
  3. Seek to take responsibilty before you place blame.
Sue Richards

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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: A Women Make Movies Release

Should you find yourself in New York City, and you're interested in seeing a different kind of chick flick, the documentary Sisters in Law , set in Camroon Africa, has come highly recommended.

Sue Richards

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Monday, April 10, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Nag-A-Palooza

Dalene Entenmann, over at the Cancer Blog struck my funny bone this morning with her itchy scratchy reveal that we, her, me, and at least one other person, are tired of being told that how we live our life will either protect us from or line us up for cancer.

In a grand attempt to point out that cancer is more than how much we do or don't exercise, Dalene bristles with this excellent post. Nag-a-palooza cancer society steps to cancer prevention.

Lies can also come in the form of omission. I wonder. What are we not being told?

Sue Richards

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Friday, April 07, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Sickness

I've succumbed to the power of a head cold. My better judgment has been affected. Hence the nature of this post. My apologies for any pain felt by my very loyal, wonderfully kind male readers.

Sue Richards

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Thursday, April 06, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer Rarer But Deadlier Among Young Women
Younger women are diagnosed with breast cancer less frequently, but their chances of surviving it are lower, meaning that both older and young women have the same breast cancer mortality risk.

An Independent Indicator
A study analyzed a database of over 45,000 women with breast cancer. Surprisingly, being young was found to be an independent indicator of poor survival -- regardless of other factors such as tumor size, hormone receptor status, and treatment.

The Same Odds at 30 and 60
The odds of dying from breast cancer increase by 5 percent for every year that a women is under 45 when diagnosed. This means that the 10-year survival probability of a 30-year-old patient is the same as that of a woman aged 60 years.

Source: MSNBC March 23, 2006/ EurekAlert March 23, 2006

Sue Richards

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Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Breast Views Blog: Women Can Do Anything

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